Cuba! What can I say? The wild and wonderful magic that entrances visitors and drives me crazy at least 3 times a day. My gorgeous apartment above the crumbling streets of Central Havana is the perfect place to watch the moon rise above the Old Fort and the sun rise over the Havana Libre Hotel.
My clients from Australia left this morning happy and sad to go.
They managed to pluck a few notes with the locals and share music during their wanderings.
I woke up the other morning to the sounds of trumpets and shouting. Looked out to to a sea of colour and a parade milling below. It turns out it was National University Student day. Of course! Patriotic songs mixed with laughter and clowning until the heavens opened up and the rain scattered the emerald green and scarlet costumes like birds of paradise in a wind storm.
Lots more adventures to be had with and with me here in the heart of this hidden island.
The apartment is also for rent for those of you who want a special get away in the real Havana.